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Essential Oils

Essential Oils


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Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Fruity citronella aroma
Lavender Essential Oil 40/42
Popular floral, woody aroma
Lemon Essential Oil
Fresh, fruity lemon aroma
Lemongrass Essential Oil
Deliciously zingy and uplifting aroma
Orange Essential Oil
Warm, sweet and invigorating aroma
Peppermint Essential Oil
Cool, refreshing aroma rich in menthol
Rosemary Essential Oil
Rich, woody aroma
Cedarwood Essential Oil
Warm, sweet and woody aroma
Cinnamon Essential Oil
Warm, spicy aroma
Tea Tree Essential Oil
Warm, fresh aroma with spicy undertones
Bergamot Essential Oil
Distinctive citrusy aroma
Ginger Essential Oil
Spicy, warm and uplifting aroma
Sage Essential Oil
Nutty, musky and long-lasting aroma
Frankincense Essential Oil
Rich, woody aroma
Geranium Essential Oil
Delicate, floral, rose-like aroma
Juniperberry Essential Oil
Sweet, woody and fresh aroma
Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
Sweet, musky and floral aroma
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