Healthy Joints

Healthy joints allow us to carry out a myriad of everyday activities and help to maintain independence and mobility as we age. Unfortunately creaky knees, aches and pains affect us all at some point and can be extremely disruptive, making simple tasks such as carrying bags difficult. How we care for our joints differs slightly depending on age, fitness levels, mobility and general health. A simple tip is to keep your weight within a healthy range to reduce excess strain on weight-bearing joints such as the knees and hips. If your joints feel stiff, use gentle exercises to keep them moving to build strong muscles around the joints. You can also eat right to nourish your joints. Top up on bone-strengthening nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D and increase your protein intake to keep joints supple. One of the best-loved natural remedies for joint health is Glucosamine, which helps to maintain normal joint mobility and, in some cases, can relieve pain. Explore our range of articles for the latest advice about living with common joint conditions and injuries.

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