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Is My Cat Stressed?

by VitaPaws

Animals cannot directly communicate how they are feeling in the same way that humans can, but this does not mean that they lack the ability to experience emotions. Stress in pets can lead to negative behaviours that are often the reasons for euthanasia, or abandonment by the owner. This article will summarise the causes and symptoms of stress in cats, and the approaches that an owner can take to ensure that their feline has the best chance of being free from anxiety.

Causes of Feline Stress

Although domesticated cats have adapted well to modern life, many of the facets that underpin a human existence remain alien to a cat and can be a source of anxiety and stress. It is possible for a cat to live a content and happy life in the company of humans, but they retain an innate need to be in control of their environment. Cats can become anxious or stressed when they experience something that disrupts their sense of autonomy or security. Common stressors that occur in the world that cats and humans share include the following:

Indicators That a Cat Might Be Stressed

It can often be difficult for an owner to recognise the signs of stress in their cat, and these signs can easily be mistaken for normal feline behaviours or rambunctious play. Symptoms of cat stress manifest themselves in the following ways:

Although these indicators are common signs of stress, they may also signify an underlying health problem, and you should consult a vet if they are ongoing.

How to Help Your Cat Avoid Stress

The exact symptoms that a stressed cat exhibits depend on the individual animal. However, regardless of how a cat is affected, the root causes of anxiety remain constant, and there are a number of key steps that you can take as an owner to reduce stress to a minimum: