L-Arginine: Make Your Sexual Health Great Again

L-Arginine: Make Your Sexual Health Great Again

How Can L-Arginine Help Me?

Sexual health problems are abundant in the UK. We might not want to admit it, but it's true. Over 43% of women and 31% of men suffer from some form of sexual dysfunction, so you shouldn't be embarrassed.

If however, you'd like to try and take a hold of your sex life again and get your health back on track, L-Arginine could be just the extra support you need.

L-Arginine probably doesn't mean a lot to you right now, but here are a few reasons why it could be your saving grace.

Erectile Dysfunction

It's believed that almost half of all men between 40 and 70 will suffer from some form of erectile dysfunction or impotence. However it does affect younger people too, so every man should be paying attention. Erectile Dysfunction can be triggered by a number of reasons, including anxiety, depression and a lack of blood flow.

L-Arginine directly combats the latter, blood flow, by dilating blood vessels in your body. Veins and arteries become wider, allowing for more blood to move to your extremities, including your genitals.

Arginine is an amino acid, which is one of the building blocks that help to produce proteins in the body. It's also crucial for the creation of a chemical called nitric oxide, which is what causes your blood vessels to widen; the more nitric oxide, the better the blood flow.

It Works for You Too, Ladies

L-Arginine isn't just a supplement for men to take; it can also have related effects on the female body too. 43% of women in the UK describe their sexual dysfunction in the following ways:

  • Loss of libido
  • Inability to achieve orgasm
  • Lack of sensitivity in genitals

L-Arginine has been reported to tackle all of the above problems by improving blood flow to your nether regions. Women specifically have said that it has helped them to achieve orgasm more easily, has improved their lust for sex, and increased sensitivity, leading to better sex.

Fertility is also an important component of sexual health, and L-Arginine has you covered. The increased blood flow we mentioned before can do wonders, especially for sperm and egg cell production. The improved circulation helps make your body the ideal environment for producing sex cells.

In a Relationship? Take It Together

Like we mentioned before, L-Arginine isn't just a thing for men, it can be beneficial to both genders. If you and your partner both suffer from sexual dysfunction, why not be open to each other about it? If one person in the relationship needs some help in the bedroom, there could be feelings of worry, shame, anxiety and maybe even depression.

When one person in the relationship is suffering, so does the relationship as a whole. Take that first step to strengthen what you have with you partner, it's never a bad thing! Don't let the issue of sexual health drive a wedge between the two of you; make it an event you both can look forward to. Getting rid of any emotional baggage surrounding this area is bound to make you happy and more confident, don't let it eat you up.

It's in a Lot of Food; Change Your Diet

It's not well known that your body makes its own Arginine. However, things like wounds, infections and other health issues can lead to a deficiency. This, in turn, can cause sexual health problems. A great way to improve your sexual health is to change your diet. It's important to note however that although Arginine is found in food, supplements can be a convenient way of making sure that you're getting an adequate intake. If at any time you're unsure about taking L-Arginine, speak to a medical professional for advice.

If this is the route you'd like to take, foods rich in protein are the key here. Dairy products, fish, nuts and soybeans are great things to introduce to your diet to help your overall health too, not just your sexual health. We do recommend however that you take things slowly. Too much L-Arginine has the potential to result in abdominal pain, diarrhoea and bloating. In order to avoid overdoing it, we recommend creating a food log specifically to track your daily intake of L-Arginine.

Daily logs can help create consistency and let you know immediately when you're straying from what you need. As we said earlier, supplements are a convenient way of ensuring your intake is adequate, so consider combining them with a healthy diet.

A recommended supplement dose is between 500 to 1500 micrograms per day, so try adding small new additions to your regular diet to see what works best for you. It's also found in chocolate, so you might be able to incorporate that into your romantic endeavours to help turn on the charm. But remember, moderation is definitely the key when it comes to sugary treats, no matter how good it tastes!

Make Your Sex Life Great Again

Your sexual health very is important. Whether you're male or female, 30 or 60, there's always a way you can put the fun back into your bedroom as well as improve your overall health. L-Arginine is a fantastic way of naturally helping to remedy those problems.

The better care you take of your body, the happier you'll feel in the long run. L-Arginine also supports the building of muscles, enhancing your immune system, improving your blood pressure, improving your memory and helps you heal from injuries and wounds. Its positive effects are well documented, and hopefully, this guide will help you take the first step to regaining the pride in your sex again. If you're still not sure about the benefits of L-Arginine on your sexual health, never be afraid to ask for help.

Visit your GP or contact a medical professional to make sure that you're always on the right path to improving your sexual health. Remember to try and have fun, good luck!